Tsering’s Fund has been changing the lives of children, young women and families in Nepal through education, medical care and basic living assistance since 2007.
The Tsering’s Fund team works to bring real change to the people of Nepal who need it most. Our team members in Nepal know the communities and where to get involved to create the greatest impact. All fund officers, administrators working in Nepal and Tsering’s Fund Board Members are volunteers. Volunteers meet their own costs of travel and accommodation.
The TF team works with local board members and volunteers to bring real change directly to the people of Nepal most in need. Our board members and volunteers in Nepal know the communities and where to get involved to create the greatest impact.
Peter Schmieding, D.M.D. - TF Chairman and President | Practicing Dentist, Bozeman, MT
Eric Ladd - Board Member, Big Sky, MT
Tsering Dolkar Lama - TF Vice Chairman | Hotel & Business Owner/Operator, Kathmandu, Nepal
Pem Dorjee Sherpa - Professional Mountaineer & Mountain Guide, Ann Arbor, MI
Karen Fellerhoff Schmeiding - Retired Mountaineer, Bozeman, MT
“An English education can change the life of a young girl, her entire family and beyond. And this great gift can be given for about $600 U.S. dollars a year!”
Tsering's Fund has been changing the lives of children, young women and families in Nepal through education, medical care and basic living assistance since 2007. We make a difference for those who need it most.
To many in Nepal, breaking the cycle of poverty is almost impossible especially orphans and abandoned kids who are experiencing it and scarcely surviving it. Poverty doesn’t need to be permanent especially for children. Tsering’s Fund considers educating these children in English a first step in keeping them safe, healthy and free from the scourge of child trafficking.
Our aim is to support as many children as we can to finish their education, so long-term as adults, they are able to earn and support their families and communities as well as support the education of the next generation of children independently.
We want to change the lives of Nepali children for the better. Although our mission is to support both boys and girls from the poorest backgrounds who have no parents or whose parents cannot afford school fees, it is clear that cultural and economic factors are more likely to prevent girls from accessing uninterrupted education throughout their childhood. The chronic underdevelopment of Nepal will not be resolved until girls in Nepal have the same opportunities as boys to pursue a quality education.
All donations to Tsering’s Fund are used completely in Nepal to help those in need. There are no administrative or other costs. The administrative expenses of TF are paid for entirely through direct giving by our board members together with earmarked gifts from a few other generous donors living in the United States. This allows Tsering’s Fund to spend every single penny donated directly on the projects it undertakes.