100% of all donated resources bring aid directly to those in need
Tsering’s Fund’s donations in Nepal are locally overseen by Tsering's Fund board members and volunteers who know the communities and the region. There is no overhead, no graft and no waste.
Tsering's Fund meets some of the world's poorest people, right where they live. Needy families are lifted up to new lives and hopes, for generations.
Tsering's Fund donates educational scholarships primarily for girls. Tsering's Fund is committed to keeping young, at-risk Nepali girls safe, healthy and in school. We donate scholarships for tuition, room and board, uniform, books, school supplies plus health and dental care for “at risk” Nepali girls who would otherwise have no chance to receive such an opportunity.
Tsering's Fund donates to elderly care and medical assistance. The primary Tsering's Fund focus is on educating girls for the future, but we cannot ignore the other needs in Kathmandu Valley of Nepal, so we donate housing and care for the abandoned elderly in need.
Tsering's Fund works daily to eliminate child trafficking in Nepal. We do this by keeping young, at-risk Nepali girls safe, healthy and in school. For girls from remote farming communities with long histories of child trafficking or indentured servitude boarding at school is their only chance for safety and a good education.
Tsering’s Fund has been active on the ground since the devastating earthquakes of April 2015 in Nepal bringing relief to several areas of the country. Our work and donations are concentrated on three villages in different areas of northeastern Nepal: Dhalatkhot in the Sindupalchock Region northeast of Kathmandu, Chyangba in the Solokhumbu Region approximately 200 miles east of the capital, and Baluwa, a village just outside the city of Kathmandu.
Tsering’s Fund completed a highly impactful project in 2017 by donating a new mini-hydroelectric generator for the village of Chyangba. Located some 200 miles east of Kathmandu, high in the foothills below Mt. Everest, the village of several hundred had no electricity. TF raised the funding for a generator and organized volunteers to build a small hydro plant that now provides electricity 24-hours a day to the local school plus approximately four-hundred subsistence farming families in the area.